
Welcome to the Brescia University 净价计算器! We're happy you are beginning to explore how to plan and pay for your college education. We will help you every step of the way. Using the net price calculator, you can find out your eligibility for financial aid and estimate your out-of-pocket expenses. Rather than shy away from applying to colleges that seem to be out of your price range, results from the net price calculator will show you how affordable institutions may be.

你是肯塔基州居民吗? |


你打算住在校园里吗? |
Are you currently attending a Catholic High School?


Are your parents alumnus of Brescia University? |
累积的大学 (转移) or 现就读高中 (新生)




The total 坐 score is only the verbal score plus the math score and excludes the writing.


Your Estimated Expected Family Contribution can be completed using the Quick EFC Calculator provided by Fin援助. This calculator can quickly estimate your Expected Family Contribution within $500 - $1,普通学生10000美元.

Based upon the questions listed in your estimated EFC Calculation, are you considered to be an 独立的学生? |


You may check your current KEES eligibility by logging into the KHEAA网站.